Wawa Security Links 326

Jeudi 13 Mars 2025

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Finding Vulnerabilities in Closed Source Windows Software by Applying Fuzzing
GitHub - x899/chrome_password_grabber: Get unencrypted 'Saved Password' from Google Chrome
Weaponizing and Gamifying AI for WiFi Hacking: Presenting Pwnagotchi 1.0.0
GitHub - zznop/bn-brainfuck: Brainfuck architecture module and loader for Binary Ninja
CVE-2019-16278 - Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution in Nostromo web server
GitHub - demantz/frizzer: Frida-based general purpose fuzzer
Where coding meets entrepreneurship – Model Based fuzzing of the WPA3 Dragonfly Handshake
Hack The Box - Ellingson | 0xRick
ClickToPray eRosary Account Takeover - Fidus
How to Control your IoT Electric Scooter Fleet Remotely with SORACOM Napter [Part 3] - By Aaron Huang
EAPHammer Version 1.8.0 - EAP downgrade attacks · solstice.sh
Chromium Blog: Recent Site Isolation improvements
How does the OS Loader loads the essential Drivers :: Up is Down and Black is White — n4r1b
Hooking the graphics kernel subsystem | vmcall
CSS Injection Primitives :: DoomsDay Vault
Compiling a CPU, in a cheap FPGA board

Chirp of the PoisonFrog - IronNet Cybersecurity | Network Traffic Analysis, AI, and Collective Defense
McAfee ATR Analyzes Sodinokibi aka REvil Ransomware-as-a-Service - Crescendo | McAfee Blogs
Quickpost: ExifTool, OLE Files and FlashPix Files | Didier Stevens
New Tool: simple_tcp_stats.py | Didier Stevens
Smart Spies: Alexa and Google Home expose users to vishing and eavesdropping – Security Research Labs
GitHub - fuzzitdev/jsfuzz: coverage guided fuzz testing for javascript
HITCON CTF 2019 Quals writeup
Publications | Outflank
https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Scanning Activity for NVMS9000 Digital Video Recorder/25434/
GitHub - outflanknl/SharpHide: Tool to create hidden registry keys.
Building the Perfect Windows Server 2019 Reference Image - Deployment Research
Hunting for Suspicious LDAP Activity with SilkETW and Yara
A Tale of Exploitation in Spreadsheet File Conversions | Brett Buerhaus
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange - Eli Bendersky's website
Talos Blog || Cisco Talos Intelligence Group - Comprehensive Threat Intelligence: Gustuff return, new features for victims
Patching Android apps: what could possibly go wrong – Silent Signal Techblog
First IC :) – Sam Zeloof
63 Cores Blocked by Seven Instructions | Random ASCII – tech blog of Bruce Dawson
GitHub - DevoInc/pCraft
Exploiting an old noVNC XSS (CVE-2017-18635) in OpenStack - Shielder

A Cryptomining SSH Worm - Akamai Security Intelligence and Threat Research Blog
Avast Antivirus / AVG Antivirus - DLL Preloading into PPL and Potential Abuses
MISP Summit 0x05 Wrap-Up | /dev/random
Avira Antivirus 2019 (4 Services) - DLL Preloading and Potential Abuses (CVE-2019-17449)
LLVM provides no side-channel resistance
Against Cipher Agility in Cryptography Protocols - Paragon Initiative Enterprises Blog
Persistence – Security Support Provider | Penetration Testing Lab
https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Whats up with TCP 853 DNS over TLS/25438/
Android Cheat Engine - LinEngine Introduction > 린포럼 (Lin Forum) - 안드로이드 커뮤니티
HTB: Ellingson | 0xdf hacks stuff
Persistence – Time Providers | Penetration Testing Lab
TCP SACK Security Issue in OpenBSD - CVE-2019-8460 - Check Point Research
Behind Enemy Lines | Looking into Ransomware as a Service (Project Root)
Drive By RCE Exploit in Pimcore 6.2.0
PHP :: Sec Bug #78599 :: env_path_info underflow in fpm_main.c can lead to RCE

GitHub - dsopas/assessment-mindset: Security Mindmap that could be useful for the infosec community when doing pentest, bug bounty or red-team assessments.
Utilizing Reverse Proxies to Compromise LastPass (Password Manager)
Hack.lu 2019 Day #1 Wrap-Up | /dev/random
CPDoS: Cache Poisoned Denial of Service
GitHub - neex/phuip-fpizdam: Exploit for CVE-2019-11043
Unpacking Malware Series - Maze Ransomware | poxyblog
GitHub - nccgroup/OneLogicalMyth_Shell: A HTA shell to assist with breakout assessments.
https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Testing TLSv13 and supported ciphers/25442/
How to use Traffic Analysis for Wireshark
GitHub - Raikia/UhOh365: A script that can see if an email address is valid in Office365 (user/email enumeration). This does not perform any login attempts, is unthrottled, and is incredibly useful for social engineering assessments to find which emails exist and which don't.
Maxthon Browser for Windows - Unquoted Search Path and Potential Abuses (CVE-2019-16647)
Amazon Workspaces - Unquoted Search Path and Potential Abuses
public_tools/powershellprofiler at master · pan-unit42/public_tools · GitHub
ARM-X Firmware Emulation Framework
Hack.lu 2019 Day #2 Wrap-Up | /dev/random
AddressSanitizer (ASan) for Windows with MSVC | C++ Team Blog

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